Monday, January 10, 2011

Jerusalem as Sacred Space: Study Tips

The infamous vulcan sign has taken on a whole new meaning as dubbed by Dr. Cargill in the first lecture of Jerusalem 10W. You are looking at a map of Jerusalem, essentially. The 2 fingers to the right are the city of David while the Kidron Valley lies to the right of the two fingers. Where the two right fingers split from the palm would lie the Temple Mount. In between the left and right set of fingers is the Tyropean Valley also known as the Central Valley, while the outside of the 2 left fingers are the Hinnom Valley. In a nut shell that is the map of Jerusalem conveniently made for easy studying, as mentioned in lecture a portion of tests will be map identification. 

The Holy City is split into 5 quarters as seen above. 
E-temple Mount

In conclusion to the study tips is an easy summarization of how sacred space comes to be.
1. Birthplace of high profile being, or occurrence of supernatural as seen by witnesses.
2. People pilgrimage to experience the space
3. People start to leave things in resemblance of a shrine, start to venerate the site
4. Build something in commemoration of the sacred space
5. Visitors come in large numbers
6. To accommodate, buildings are built to house visitors leading to a whole established sacred space.

Two things to remember...
1. The Book of Revelation does NOT have an S at the end!
2. Archaeology can be used as a weapon!

HW: Look at Jerusalem via Google Map located on the course website.

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