Monday, March 14, 2011

Jordanian Jerusalem

Six Day War-1967.
Soviets "inform" Syria of impending Israeli attack (may 13). Jordan then signs a military agreement with Egypt on May 30. Israelis forces strikes and wipe out the Egyptians, followed by entering hte old city. Moshe Dayan the Israeli general gives control of Haram to Muslims. The United Nations consequently reject the annexation of Jerusalem. 
1988-1992 1st Intifada(organized, declared) Palestine's vs. Israeli for control. Strikes boycott, barricades, graffiti, violent action was taken against the Israelis. 
2000-present 2nd Intifada provoked by Ariel Sharon
Oslo Accords 1993
First face to face agreement between Israel and PLO in Oslo. 

Letters of Mutual Recognition
Israel acknowledged PLO(Arafat) as rep. of Palestinian people. PLO recognized Israelis right to exist as a state and renounced Jerusalem.

20th Century Jerusalem

Orthodox Jews rejected the rise of Zionism in the 20th Century.One could not just live in Jerusalem and be a Jew. Theodore Herzl stated Jerusalem as irrelevant, suggesting a zionist state be built in Uganda, relations to Judaism didn't have anything to do with Jerusalem. Herzel was referred to as a messiah, son of David. The zionists eventually built Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem. From here spawned the rise of European Nationalism. The British conquered Egypt in 1882. WW1 from 1914-1917, THe Ottomans aligned with Germany against France and Britain. Jerusalem was the headquarters for VIII Turkish Corps . The Armenians consequently flee genocide in Turkey and the Armenian quarter swells. 
France and UK agreement divides former Ottoman Empire. British consisted of jordan. S. Iraq, Palestine...etc. The french took over Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, and N. Iraq. 
Peel Commission 1937, approved by United NAtions in 1947. Conflict between Jews and Arabs equalled riots. War of Independence 1948. British attacked by Jews, pulled troops out, and everyone moved in . Arab-Israeli War was full blown. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mamluk & Ottoman Jerusalem

Mamluk Jerusalem lasted from 1250-1516. Jerusalem slowly gained back its reputation as a religious center, politically and militarily insignificant, it was used as a place of exile. through the development of the Haram, Jerusalem was starting to turn back to a religious center. Although the appeal was returning Black Death, plague, hit Jerusalem accounting for an all time low population. Notable for this time in Jerusalem is the architecture. Known for its distinct red and white stones, domes, and maqarnas. 
Ottoman Jerusalem
The Ottoman government flourished, Jerusalem was now under a strong central government. through the rule of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. He repaired the aqueducts and expanded them, rebuilds the walls of Jerusalem as well. The sultan even encouraged Jewish refugees to settle in Jerusalem to restore the city. He also established a "a shari'a court", people need to follow the law but could practice whatever religion they pleased. Restorations of the Haram built up Jerusalem's spiritual reputation, significance, and importance. Suleiman also gave the Western Wall to the Jews as a place of prayer. Myths migrated from the Temple to the wall. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Crusader Jerusalem

Pope Urban II
Jerusalem comes back under Christian rule. A pivotal moment during Crusader Jerusalem took place in 1095 with the deliverance of Pope Urban II's speech. He called on the nobility to go East and assist Byzantine against the Muslims and to liberate Jerusalem on the way. The siege if Jerusalem is for God's behalf. By 1099 Jerusalem returned to Christianity. The crusaders rebuilt the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. The notable contribution is the chapels reuniting under one roof. As there exists many different Christians in the church, a Muslim is a gate keeper. 

1st Crusade 1095-1099 preached by Pope Urban II 1095
2nd Crusade 1147-1149 preached by St. Bernard
July 4th, 1187 Salah ad-Din 
Jerusalem will surrender and revert back to Muslim

Islamic Jerusalem

Dome of The Rock
Islamic Jerusalem marks the end of Byzantine Jerusalem, the Sassanians take Palestine and Jerusalem, 614-628 CE. 614 is the date that Jews were allowed to resettle back in the Holy Land since the Bar-Kokhba Revolt. In Islamic Jerusalem caliphs are established to lead the Islamic community. Caliph Umar takes Jerusalem in 638. In a written agreement with the Christians he does not allow Jewish settlement, to which later he allowed them to move back in to the city and Jewish population steadily grew. It was never the Muslims keeping them out but the Christians. 
The Haram took the place of the Temple Mount and it is there the Dome of the Rock is established. As Islam rises in prominence, and Mecca becomes the center of faith, Jerusalem's traditions transfer to Mecca. 
Umayyad Dynasty 638-750 CE
Abd al-Maliks purpose in building the Dome of the Rock was to divert pilgrimage from Mecca to Jerusalem because of his rivalry with Ibn Zubayr, playing on Jerusalem's traditions and keeping people around. The Dome of the Rock commissioned in 687 and finished in 691, is a shrine and model of a Christian Martyria (memorial). 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Byzantine Jerusalem

Church of the Holy Sepulcher
312-637 BCE
The Roman city, Aelia Capitalia, replaced Jerusalem. In 285 CE, Emperor Diocletian splits the administration of the Roman Empire between West and East, instituting a tetrarchy. With the division of power, Constantine the Great came to power using christianity to unite his kingdom. Helena, Constantine's mother also had a hand in the reign, to which she built churches. 
The construction of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher became the new axis mundi, the Temple Mount was no longer the center. Then comes Julian, "The Apostate", 361-363, in which his first project is rebuilding the temple. Justinian expands Jerusalem and builds the Nea Chruch. The Nea Church is thought to be Solomon's Temple. Perhaps Justinian was rebuilding a structure to commemorate the earlier shrine.